Raphael- Molinav
Certified HealthiWealthi™ Coach | HWC# 77

Raphael Molinav

Ph.D(c) Lifestyle Medicine, Certified Coach (Health: Root-cause, HealthiWealthi, Life Happiness, Executive).

7 hours behind
Brain Health
Peak Performance

You are not alone! I wil guide you and together we will walk on your health journey. My areas of support are: Stress management, how to survive an abusive boss and toxic work environment, brain health, vegan and vegetarian health. I work with college students, parents, executives, special understanding for latino and minority population. We can also work on your career success, how to establish and develop a healthy lifestyle. Bilingual (English-Spanish). De tal manera que si tu primer idioma es espan~ol, puedo ayudarte en tu idioma de origen ya que tambien hablo castellano/espanol como primer lengua. Hire me and I can guarantee you will experience positive transformation in your life.

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